但是如果需要读取本地文件并在前端直接处理,文件就没有必要传递到后台,比如在本地打开一个JSON文件,利用JSON文件在前端进行动态展示等等。下面就展示一下具体做法:首先定义一个jsonContent, 我们的目标是将本地选取的文件转换为JSON赋值给jsonContent然后我们的模板文件是利用el-dialog和el-upload两个组件组合:这里停止文件自动上传模式:auto-upload="false"
Load from File Select a file upload only jpg/png files, and less than 500kbcancel confirm
if (this.uploadFiles) { for (let i = 0; i < this.uploadFiles.length; i++) { let file = this.uploadFiles[i] console.log(file.raw) if (!file) continue let reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = async (e) => { try { let document = JSON.parse(e.target.result) console.log(document) } catch (err) { console.log(`load JSON document from file error: ${err.message}`) this.showSnackbar(`Load JSON document from file error: ${err.message}`, 4000) } } reader.readAsText(file.raw) } }
Load from File Select a file upload only jpg/png files, and less than 500kbcancel confirm
PS: 相关阅读
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